EVE Player Blogs OPML Download updated, wait, again?

opmlicon Yeah, I know I just did an update, but more sites came to me yesterday and today is EVE Online’s sixth burthday, so, what better a present than more to read and love about EVE Online.

So, below you can find the additional updates put into the OPML this week. Counting our new additions listed below, we now have 236 blogs in the OPML download.  Do remember, the EVE Online Blogroll Lovefest that CrazyKinux maintains (http://www.crazykinux.com/2008/04/eve-online-blogroll-lovefest.html) is a listing of blogs that are active.  The OPML download has some of the defunct blogs as they are still worth reading if you never had the chance to read them, like the EVE Online 0.0 Experiment (http://00experiment.blogspot.com) and a few others.

To get your blog listed on CK’s Blogroll Lovefest, simply post a comment on the post with your blog’s information.  I check his listing from time to time to add blogs to the OPML download.  I also add people when I learn about a new blog.  If your blog is not listed on the OPML download and you would like it listed, just drop me a line at galen@eve-druid.com and I will get you added.

So welcome our newest members of the EVE Blogging Community!!

Welcome to the EVE Online Blog Sphere!!!

~ by JRC on May 6, 2009.

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